
编辑:     文章来源:浙江大学“一带一路”国际医学院     发布时间:2024-06-07     浏览次数:15


In honor of the 10th anniversary of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJU4H), we are excited to announce the inaugural Bilingual Health Science Popularization Video Competition. This event aims to create a platform for medical students to engage in science communication and social practice. It seeks to inspire Zhejiang University students to produce health science videos, foster collaboration between Chinese and international students, enhance participants' skills in health science communication, and advance the dissemination of health knowledge. Please find the relevant details below.


1. 本次大赛主要面向浙江大学医学院和一带一路国际医学院在校生,浙江大学其他学院在校生均可报名。

2. 在浙四实习和规培的所有学生均可参加。

3. 团队协作,每支队伍由2-5名学生组成,至少包含1名中国学生和1名留学生。

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Primary Target Group: This competition is mainly open to students from Zhejiang University School of Medicine and the International Schools of Medicine, Zhejiang University (ZJU-ISM). Students from other faculties of Zhejiang University are also welcome to apply.


2. Interns and Trainees: All students currently participating in internships and standardized training programs at ZJU4H are eligible to participate.


3. Team Collaboration: Each team must consist of 2-5 students, including at least one Chinese student and one international student.



Competition Theme:

Participants are encouraged to leverage the specialized expertise of ZJU4H by creating health science popularization videos focusing on diseases associated with the following centers:

- Reproductive Medicine Center

- Lung Cancer Center

- Cardiology Center

- Trauma Center

- Orthopedics Center

- Surgery Center

- Neurology Center


1. 作品征集阶段:202463-731学生根据要求组队后创作视频并完成投稿。

2. 专家评审:202481-84专家将根据科学性、大众性、实用性、创新型、技术性严谨推选有代表性的12优秀团队进入决赛进行线上评比最终专家评审得分=专家评审评分*70%



Competition Process:

1. Submission Phase (June 3rd to July 31st, 2024):

- Students will form teams according to the requirements, create their videos, and submit them within this period.

2. Expert Evaluation (August 1st to August 4th, 2024):

- Experts will assess the submissions based on criteria such as scientific accuracy, popularity, practicality, innovation, and technical rigor. The top 12 teams will be selected for the final round of online evaluation.

- The expert evaluation score will contribute 70% to the final score, calculated as: Expert Evaluation Score * 70%.

3. Online Evaluation (Tentatively scheduled from August 5th to August 15th, 2024):

- The 12 selected videos will be posted on our school's official WeChat public platform for public voting.

- The online voting score will be calculated as: (X/N) * 100 * 30%, where X is the number of votes received by the video and N is the total number of votes for all videos.

4. Final Score:

- The final score will be the sum of the final online voting score and the final expert evaluation score.


1. 作品类型:参赛视频形式不限,鼓励参赛者发挥创造力,情景剧、真人讲解、动画、PPT配音等均可;

2. 视频声音中文、英文均可,但字幕必须为中英文

3. 拍摄设备不限,确保画面清晰、声音清楚;

4. 视频文件格式MP4,高清,画面比率16:9,时长在3-5分钟,文件小于1G

5. 价值观端正,内容积极向上,拒绝低俗。不得有与国家现行法律法规、政策违背的内容;

6.  参赛者应对作品拥有充分、完整、排他的知识产权,不得侵犯他人的知识产权;应征作品的标识图案和相关内容等不得对他人的注册商标、外观设计专利及受知识产权法以及著作权法保护的其他文本构成侵权;

7. 作品须为首发。未在报纸、杂志、网站及其它媒体公开发表,未参加过其它类似竞赛,未商业化;

8. 作品知识产权属于参赛者,所有参赛作品一律不予退还。参赛即视为获得参赛者本人的同意,浙江大学一带一路国际医学院、浙大四院享有作品的使用权,且有权对作品进行编辑、修改和用于宣传展示,且不向投稿者支付相关费用

9. 每个作品提交时须提交视频内容的1张作品封面图,1张团队照片,作品提交表(附件1)和原创声明承诺书(附件2);

10. 违反以上任一要求则为无效作品,取消参赛资格,原额追回已发放奖金,一切后果由该投稿团队或个人承担。

 Requirements for Submissions:

1. Type: There are no restrictions on the format of the videos. Participants are encouraged to be creative, using formats such as drama scenes, live demonstrations, animations, or narrated PowerPoint presentations.


2. Language: Audio can be in either Chinese or English, but subtitles must be provided in both languages.


3. Equipment: There are no restrictions on the recording equipment used, but the video must be clear and the audio must be audible.


4. File Format: Videos must be in MP4 format, high definition, with a 16:9 aspect ratio, a duration of 3-5 minutes, and a file size of less than 1GB.


5. Values: Submissions must adhere to positive values and must not contain vulgar content. Content that violates national laws, regulations, or policies is prohibited.


6. Intellectual Property: Participants must have full, complete, and exclusive intellectual property rights to their submissions, ensuring no infringement on the intellectual property rights of others. Submissions must not infringe on registered trademarks, design patents, or other protected texts.


7. Originality: Submissions must be original works that have not been previously published in any media, have not participated in similar competitions, and have not been commercialized.


8. Ownership: Intellectual property rights of the submissions remain with the participants. By participating, participants agree that ZJU-ISM and ZJU4H have the right to use, edit, modify, and promote the submissions without compensating the contributors.


9. Submission: Each submission must include a cover image of the video content, a team photo, a submission form (Attachment 1), and a declaration of originality (Attachment 2, all members sign and send PDF version).


10.Non-compliance: Submissions that violate any of the above requirements will be deemed invalid. Participation qualifications will be revoked, and any awarded prize money will be fully recovered. All consequences will be borne by the submitting team or individual.



















For this competition, the awards are as follows: one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes, and several honorable mention and participation prizes. Cash and gifts will be awarded, with specific amounts as follows:


Prize (RMB)

First Prize*1

4000 RMB

Second Prize*2

2000 RMB

Third Prize*3

1000 RMB

Honorable Mention*6

Approximately 200 RMB in gifts

Participation Prize*30

Approximately 100 RMB in gifts

Note: Participation awards will be prioritized for video production teams with higher expert evaluation scores but did not receive any awards.




How to apply:

Participants are required to scan the QR code to join the DingTalk group (see Figure 1). After forming a team, the team leader should send the science popularization video, submission form (Attachment 1), declaration of originality (Attachment 2, all members sign and send PDF version), cover image of the work, and team photo to the designated competition email address educationism@zju.edu.cn. The email subject should be 2024 Bilingual Health Science Popularization Video Contest - Team Leader's Name - Title of the Video - Contact Phone Number. Deadline: July 31, 2024.

1 参赛群

Fig. 1: Competition Group